Constantine End Credits

| Category: Film | | Comments (0) | Views: 33

Received this link from a co-worker, which shows the end credits for Constantine. It looks like Tippett is the lead house on the show! Quite cool! And there's me on the top of page 14!

You'll notice that the Tippett crew credits are long and extensive, while the ESC crew credits, which follows ours, are much simpler and are lumped together. It seems the rest of the companies are lumped together as well, without regard to exactly who did what. I'm not sure why this is, or even if it will appear on screen this way. Some recurring names occur between the Tippett and ESC as well!

There are nine days left until the show premieres in North America. I'm pretty sure that we'll get an advance screening, but when, I don't know.

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