Projection - Part 2
Another update on the creation of the projector! I've received almost all the parts. All that is left to get are the little switches and fuses and relays. Time to visit a Radio Shack!
Here are some pictures of the pieces. In the below picture you can see the Benq LCD panel, with the lamp below that, and the triplet lense just below that. On the table is the electronic ballast required for the powerful lamp.

In this picture you can see the size difference between my almost three year old 18" Samsung LCD, and the 15" Benq LCD.

In this last picture you can see the chroma, contrast and luminosity variations between generations! On top of that, the 18" Samsung on the right has a DVI input, and the 15" Benq on the left is off of analog VGA!

The black levels on the 15" Benq are pretty nice, and it has a 16ms response time. Not too bad. It's just too bad that it's going to get dismantled! I really like the dual monitor setup.. I will have to get another one. :) The only picture I didn't take is one of the fresnel lenses. But don't worry, I'll get those when I start construction!
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