Projection - Part 4
No, I haven't forgotten about this little project! I'm just taking some time out of my other hobbies to continue this one.
Today I spent about two hours wiring everything up, screwing together three sides of the box and turning it on for the first time. Sweet. Everything worked correctly the first time I turned it on! Here are a couple pictures.

The first picture is of the metal halide bulb lit. It's only been on for about 30 seconds in that picture, and it's pretty bright! You can see the alligator clips to finish the circuit. The second picture is of the back wall of the projector box. I've wired it up, with black being the hot wire, and yellow being common. White is ground, which is one of the connections the electronic ballast requires. It's a dual interlock system, so there are two switches on the back, one of which controls a fan system, and the other controls the lamp. You can't turn on the lamp without turning on the fan, so this will prevent overheating. I swiped the fancy outlet from the LCD that I took apart, so it's got a nice plug in the back.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as I actually put the LCD in and try to project an image for the first time!
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