Sin City
On opening day, yesterday, I embarked on a graphic journey through Frank Miller's Sin City.
A bunch of Tippetteers and Pixies made up the bulk of the 8pm showing. Despite crappy projection, the film was, in my mind, a great success. The noirish feel of the film was definitely apparent through Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's collaboration. For those of you not in the know, Sin City is a collection of graphic novels created several years ago. It is full of sex and violence, and is told in black and white, with splashes of color to accentuate certain details.

The movie follows the graphic novels almost to a T. All the characters were well cast, with Mickey Rouke doing an excellent job at portraying Marv, one of the main characters in the film. Bruce Willis was also captivating as Hartigan, and of course, all the girls were great. Frank Miller did a cameo as well, as the priest.
Sean, May, Dan, Christina, if you guys are reading, you did a great job! I saw your names, and am wondering what you did for the show!
Overall, this movie proves that comic to film adaptations don't have to end in a PG or PG-13 rating. I'm going to have to give this movie a 9 out of 10, and will be definitely adding it to the collection!
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