Tippett at Siggraph
While I did not get a chance to get to Siggraph this year, one of our managers took a couple photos of the Tippett booth to share with the crowd back here in Berkeley. It's been a while since Tippett had a booth at Siggraph (maybe never?), and it looked awesome!
As a treat for this evening, here are a couple photos! I think the biggest draw to the booth were the maquettes. Even though I wasn't there, that's what I would go to a booth like that and want to see. Computer generated graphics can only get you so far, and to see the physicality of the models that are presented by someone that made them from scratch, that's just too cool.

In addition to the Tippett booth, Matt Jacobs did an excellent presentation in the Effects Omelette this year entitled Highway to Hell. He performed under pressure to over 2000 attendees who packed the room to hear him speak. You may have also read his and Dan's interview over at VFXtalk about the work Tippett did for Constantine. There's just so much information to cram into a 15 minute presentation!
Several of the Tippett employees were also down to mingle, network, interview, answer questions, see the papers and sketches and panels, and see what else is out there for the studio. Lots and lots of exciting projects in the pipe! Maybe next year I will get a chance to get out to Siggraph again.
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