The End

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The end and a new beginning. Tomorrow (Friday) marks the last day of my time here at Tippett Studio. I've been here close to three years, and have enjoyed every minute of it. An opportunity arose in the city of angels which I accepted earlier in the week. Charlotte's Web is done for us, so we're in a bit of some downtime, cleaning up and archiving the show as well as creating breakdowns for some of our shots.

I'll be in the San Francisco Bay area for another week, and will be headed down to Venice, California, to work with a small company called Digital Domain. I'll be leaving lots of talented people and new found friends up here, and will encounter old acquaintances down there! It's a step into a different pasture, and I relish the chance. I've always wanted to work for DD in some capacity. I began talking with them starting way back in 1998 and continuing on and off. Now's the chance!

I'm sad that I'm leaving Tippett, but I'm also excited about working on new things with new people and old coworkers. Perhaps the next update to this blog will be written from Los Angeles!

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