SVE Voting

| Category: Television | | Comments (0) | Views: 12

The Special Visual Effects (SVE) Peer Group will have our annual voting for the visual effects categories Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series and Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Miniseries, Movie, or Special on June 24th, 2006. I've RSVPed, and will finally get a chance to see what my peers in the categories will be doing.

What I really like about the TV effects is that they're done on a much more guerilla budget and timeframe compared to most visual effects for films. However, with the advent of HD, it is becoming more and more commonplace to create VFX for TV in an almost filmlike atmosphere, and some of the visual effects on TV are getting closer and closer to their film counterparts in every way.

At the moment, I don't know who the nominees are, but I can hazard a couple of guesses. There will be Battlestar Galactica, some Stargate, Lost, Smallville, and Invasion on the series side of things. I haven't been keeping up with any of the series above, except for Lost and Battlestar Galactica. I wanted to get more into Invasion, but everytime it starts, i just want to do something else.

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