Hits. And Misses.
Well, ok then. Looks like the more I post, the more hits I get.. Interesting. I guess my sporadic postings from a week here to a week there aren't enough to keep you interested. :) Let me know what keeps you coming here, or what you want to hear from me. You can always subscribe to this blog via RSS or email, located on the right side toolbar.

We're slowly getting to the end of our show! There are a couple weeks left, a lot of shots to finish up and send off to other companies so they can add their creatures, and copious amounts of caffeine and alcohol to sooth our workload. On that note, I totally forgot that today is the premiere of The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising! I won't get a chance to see it today, but maybe you will. If you do, stick around, and let me know if I'm in the credits.
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