A Crisis
A couple of days ago, I downloaded the 1.77GB single player demo of Crysis. Last night I played it for about 20 minutes.. Wow. Almost six months ago I bought a BFG 8800GTX video card, anticipating the day that this game would come out. Little did I know that I would have a larger monitor now, with that many more pixels to push! I haven't had a chance to finish the sp demo, just played it a little, and ended up dying a couple times. One of things that I wish was in the game was a little bit more stealth and strategy. I've been used to games the likes of GOW and GRAW2, where cover and concealment aid you, and a headshot takes a guy down pretty quickly. In the demo, no such luck. The explosions are top notch, the water and environmental effects are awesome. Is this one for the game library? Maybe, depending on how long the single player campaign is! At 1920x1200, this games runs well, but the cutscenes, which are realtime using the engine, slow it down just a bit. Here are a couple screenshots that show just how detailed this game is! And yes, these are real-time, in game shots.

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