
Big news today.. As of this morning, the WGA is on strike. Check out BTL News for more information about what's been happening. At this moment it's not going to affect feature film visual effects just yet. We are fairly detached from the majority of the strike, as our work is just coming to an end, and we've got post work to take us into mid next year. Unfortunately, a lot of vfx television houses may get hit by this, sooner rather than later, as producing episodic TV may come to a standstill very soon.
For those that don't know, the writers are striking to get revenue from new media formats, like internet and DVD sales, which they don't get now. Now you may ask yourself, they get paid so much, what are they complaining about? Unfortunately, just like actors, 10% of the writers make 90% of the big money, while the other 90% are just regular guys trying to get by. I'm truly hoping they get what they want, but it will be a little time coming. The last time they had a strike was 1988, before I was in this industry, so I have no idea how this is truly going to affect the LA industry.
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