Presentations at Siggraph
A couple people know this already, but here's some concrete news. I'll be doing several presentations at the DD booth during the SIGGraph conference exhibit period. It will cover the compositing work that Digital Domain did for The Mummy 3. Here are my presentation times.
Tuesday, 12 August | 2:30pm: Compositing The Mummy |
Wednesday, 13 August | 3:30pm: Compositing The Mummy |
Thursday, 14 August | 11:30am: Compsiting The Mummy |
It's also been confirmed that I'll be at the booth for the full three days, so swing by with your compositing questions, or just to say hi! And here's a fancy image just for the sake of having one.

Whoaaa.Any chance this will be recorded.
Any ways knock em dead ;)
August 1, 2008 11:27 PM
With all the iPhones and small video recorders, it's possible someone might record it. If I remember correctly, the exhibit hall does not allow photographs or recording devices, but somehow, pictures and video do get taken.
August 4, 2008 8:39 AM
pssst aruna...Camtasia :P
am bugging my colleagues to carry their i-phones now hehe.
August 4, 2008 9:06 AM