What a Week!
Siggraph is over. What a ride. The last several days were hectic, yet fun. I met a lot of VFXTalk folk, and while I can't remember some of the usernames that go with the faces (except the obvious name-based ones), I can remember the real names. :) You guys don't always make it easy! The Wednesday Mummy comp presentation went a little smoother than Tuesday, and Thursday was even smoother. I have a tendency to just rattle on quickly. Case in point, Tuesdays presentation was about 11 minutes long. Thursdays was 16, even though the content was the same! I talked to our PR, and they mentioned that it may be quite possible that we'll be going on the road to the couple of schools in the area to repeat the presentations. Makes sense, since we worked on them so hard, only to present them three times!
I also ran into my VES student from earlier this year! She's doing well, on course to graduate later in the year. I also got a chance to catch up, albeit briefly, with some Tippetteers, and ex-Tippetteers. They have moved far and wide, from Blue Sky, to ILM, to Image Movers!
I not only got a chance to catch up with friends and coworkers, I also got to know my fellow DDers! Several I have never met since I started here two and a half years ago.. Most of them were in commercials and recruiting, but some were in features. How strange! Needless to say, Siggraph is definitely a place to network and make yourself known, and thank you guys for coming up and introducing yourselves. Here are some pictures of the booth, blatantly taken off of Flickr. The white circular banner is a remnant from last year, they may change it to black next year.

Until next year!
Hectic is right!
I missed a great deal since I was predominantly working during the day and meeting with attendees in the evenings. So many people that you just never see otherwise.
Eddie Offermann
August 16, 2008 12:51 AM
I stopped by but didn't see you. I did catch the nuke user group mmy talk which was very cool discussion of projection and UVs. IMO we need a real vfx talk la meetup
August 16, 2008 3:04 AM
Loook at'chouuuu, nice one Aruna. Sounds like you had a good siggy, we gotta somehow catch up over a brew or a nice whiskey. Cheers, -d
August 18, 2008 11:46 AM