The Week in Review.
Yes, it is only Monday night, but things are just flying along! Let's start in reverse, shall we? On Sunday I got a chance to catch 2012: Disaster Porn. It ran a long two hours and 45 minutes! We were in the theater from 9:30am, to 12:30pm. Luckily, the tickets were only six dollars. Sunday morning matinees are the best. :) I thoroughly enjoyed 2012 for what it was, a spectacle of a film. There was some amazing work in there by all the digital houses. Some stuff looked unfinished, but that's par for the course on a show that big! I really enjoyed all the water stuff, and the destruction of LA and DC. I was disappointed that we only saw a small part of Rio fall apart, as well as Italy. :( You can't have it all, I guess.
On Saturday I worked a half day on a shot that is most likely going to go for a while longer. It's pretty big shot, but it is slowly coming together. When the movie comes out, I'm sure to have a least a screen cap of it or something! It might be in the new trailer too, but I don't know when that's coming. On Saturday afternoon, I ran over to Imageworks to take part in a VES Panel discussion on how to get started in the industry.
Here is the group that was up there. From left to right; Nick from New Deal Studios, myself from Digital Domain, Mark the moderator, Tad from Imageworks, and Susan from Furious FX. It was a pretty long and in depth panel that started probably around 2:15pm and went to 4pm! I'm sure we could have talked for much much longer! Unfortunately, I can't say exactly how the day was organized, I couldn't find it mentioned anywhere. Hopefully there will be more, and hopefully I'll be a part of them as well! Here's another quick camera photo from the audience of the panel set up. It's a little blurry, but it shows how we sat and the size of the audience. Tad had an old demo reel (he has 25+ years in this industry) of some of the first visual effects and animation that he had accomplished using multi-plane setups. His first show was The Great Mouse Detective in 1986!
Friday was an interesting day, as my shot count for the show was reduced by three. That was the number of finals that I was able to finish and pass through to the client. Every week we have a meeting with the client who sits down and looks at all our work. Since we're getting close to the finish line, we're having a bunch of shots finalled, which is a good thing! Also, Friday afternoon, I received the Astro A40 Audio System. I've been meaning to get a good quality headset for gaming, as I often play late into the night and don't want to disturb the wife. This headset was ideal! Good build quality, excellent documentation and service, and lots of extras. Don't take my word for it. Check out my very first unboxing photos!

It has all the necessary equipment to listen to voice and game chat on the Xbox 360, and of course, all the right connections for PC and PS3 gaming as well. So far it's been serving me well!
Also last week I received notice that our interns have been so successful and are doing such a good job, that they have decided to extend the internship for the rest of the year! It's a very good deal. Unfortunately, the rest of the year does equate to only about another six or so weeks, two of which are the holiday break.
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