August 2011 Archives

Wages Free

| Category: Industry Wages | | Comments (4) | Views: 288

Do you remember that little site I started two years ago called VFXWages? Have you wondered how it was doing? Well... It's doing well.. But that's not what this post is about.. While we've had limited interest in the website, we wanted to increase our visibility outside of just VFX and those creative industries. Some of you that have been following me on twitter might have seen me mention something about an Android App.Well, here it is..


The QR code launches the Android Market, where you can download the app for free! It's a combination currency and wage calculator, based upon the hours we work in the industry, from a couple hours a week to a lot more, and it currently takes into account California overtime. Doing wage negotiations just got a little easier. If you're a recruiter, this app will help you too. The app is accessible worldwide, so the currency conversions should help out our international users quite a bit.. If you have questions or concerns, just drop us an email in the feedback section of the app. If you have a request for a currency exchange, let us know that too. We will also get any error / force close issues that might happen, so if it does, you don't necessarily have to tell us, we'll get that error in our developer logs.

Ultimately there will be an update to this version which will actually pull data from our site, onto your phone, among other neat features I have planned. An official press release is planned for tomorrow, and I will post again to direct you to that release.
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